COMMUNICATION FROM ACADEM.CR Dear leaders and members of the World Academy of Modern Costa Rican Literature. It is an honor to address you on this day, hoping that you are well with your families and enjoying the end of Holy Week. Through this statement, Academ.CR. manifests itself to express the following: Firstly, congratulate you for being part of such a great global project in the awakening of social consciousness. Second, each of you has come this far through your humanism, perseverance and work, whether artistic, social or diverse in your respective countries, which have been evaluated by our investigative journalists. Holding the appointment, want to create their own subsidiary in their country, charging membership fees to its members in the name of the Academy. which we repudiate and is reason to expel anyone from The Academy and our social networks. It is for this reason that we clarify the case and proceed to block from our networks and expel any person who thought and tried to do business with our name. We do not do contests or raffles, we do not sponsor book publications, nor do we hold long and tedious hour forums. Finally: We reiterate, we do not do contests, raffles, or long-hour forums. We also do not publish books, nor do we sponsor mass publications. At the right time when we make an anthology it is completely free for our members and world leaders. We do activities several times a year, with themes related to non-violence, the environment and special celebrations. Where the job of our members is to nominate a certain number of members of their groups who will be nominated to receive an Award or an Honorary Doctor, after having been evaluated. Other closed-circuit activities will only be notified to world leaders and they will have the power to nominate their characters in their respective countries. We continue forward with the guidelines of our journalists, Guss Quiróz Marco Leandro. isis Gutiérrez fiscal and global director Sincerely, Alondra Gutiérrez Vargas, Founding President
¡Tienes que ser miembro de alondragutierrez para agregar comentarios!
Es un honor para la Academia Mundial De Literatura Moderna Costarricense Otorgar a Mirco Del Rio El Doctor Honoris Causa.
Por su arte y humanismo al sembrarer y legar por un mundo mejor para todos.
Alondra Gutiérrez Vargas Presidente fundadora…
La cantautora y poetisa humanista Alondra Gutiérrez Vargas recibe reconocimiento de la ALIANZA MUNDIAL DE POETAS Y ESCRITORES.
GRACIAS HELEN CRIBEIRO, gran lideresa de la cultura por destacar a nuestra artista en tu prestigiosa organización.
Marco Leandro Periodista
Guss Quiróz Manager Editor
ISIS Gutiérrez Director
DE MI AUTORIA EL POEMA: SE TERMINA LA ESPERA . En silencio entraré en tu alma porque en silencio te amo, no escucharas los latidos de mi corazón ni mi voz cuando te llamo . Descubrire la intimidad de tu espacio y acariciare tu piel suavemente y despacio. Tu cuerpo inerte talvez dormido y levemente desnudo sin querer espera mi presencia, sabe que yo vendré al fin termina mi ausencia. Se acerca el momento esperado y ella lo está presintiendo a su lecho por fin he llegado ahhhh qué feliz me…